Meet Lauri.

Nutritionist, business owner, functional coach, and wellness advocate - delivering strategies for your optimal health goals.

I’m here because I understand how important it is to eat nutritious food that enables optimal health with lasting change. And you’re here because you’re ready to achieve life-changing results.

I have an insatiable desire to continue learning how the intricacies of the human body interlink with diet and lifestyle choices and how that impacts our overall well-being. I am particularly interested in using food as the foundation of optimal health and incorporating individual lifestyle factors such as sleep, stress, movement, and environment to inspire a more holistic approach to daily performance & health.

But it doesn't stop there, I have realised that true change and sustainability incorporate daily practices, accountability, and education for clients to achieve success long term. I pride myself on an individualized approach to each and every one of my clients, meeting them where they are ready to start and providing the tools and support to enable growth.

Education and knowledge are key when it comes to nurturing the body and my goal is always to teach clients as much as I possibly can. I want to help you succeed not just for the time we are working together, but forever.

I help high achievers like yourself discover their true potential, to feel and look their best through Functional Nutrition. I now understand what people mean when they say ‘I've found my life's purpose.’

Nutrition is a tool that has the untapped ability to transform you and your life, let me show you how.



01.— Set the Goal

Don’t give in to the latest hype/fad and stay focused on your why, what’s simple and real.

From your genetics to physiology, root your actions around evidence-based science that fuels your unique body for better health, performance, and quality of life.

02. — Be Dynamic

Stay adaptable to what life throws your way and make your habits sustainable and work for you.

From the foods, you eat to staying active, find the right balance between structure and flexibility while staying committed to your goal.

03. — Stay Consistent

Make the time daily to do what’s best for your health that allows you to do more of what you love.

Step into who you are and become consistent in what you wish to achieve.

Functional Nutrition emphasises eating in a way personalised to your goals, lifestyle, environment, and health status. When you work with Lauri you will have access to a wealth of additional information to educate and support you in adopting a new approach to food and nutrition.


Influencing a positive, sustainable adoption of a optimised life.