

Your Health,

Your Performance,


our Life,

Optimised by Nutrition.

‘I’m here because I understand how important it is to eat nutritious food that enables optimal health with lasting benefit and you’re here because you’re ready to achieve life-changing results.’


Lauri is a functional nutritionist, certified metabolic analytics practitioner, wellness coach, business owner & the ever-learning mind behind the brand ‘And Nutrition’.

And Nutrition’s launch as an online space strives to bring you easy-to-digest health information & resources. Lauri’s coaching service emphasise’s nutritional strategies and education individualised to your goal, lifestyle, environment, and current health status.

When you work with Lauri 1:1 you will have access to a wealth of additional information to support you in adopting a new approach to not only food but also daily habits, routines, and mindset to ensure your success is sustainable.

Are you ready to move to your highest expression of health?

Free 15 minute discovery call.

Not sure about the investment or what's involved in Personalised Nutrition Coaching?

Book a no-obligation 15 minute discovery call with Lauri to discuss your goals and answer your questions about the coaching process.